Volunteer In Xochimilco

October 25, 2022

With its sponsorship of this initiative, DANIEL OROZCO ESTUDIO demonstrates its commitment to promote fully sustainable projects with renewable energy.

“We are proud to be part of this initiative and to contribute to the care of one of the most valuable treasures of our capital.
Xochimilco is a natural jewel that needs protection and conservation, for which we are convinced that, through teamwork and the commitment of society, we can achieve it”,
Daniel Orozco, artist and creator of the studio.
The inclusive interior design studio, DANIEL OROZCO ESTUDIO seeks to reduce environmental impact, creating projects that are aware of their environment, to find the balance between nature and the human being.

Which is why he has decided to finance the Robotani.ca volunteer program, with the aim of encouraging respect and promoting this area of the city.

This program consists of four months of activities in which its participants perform:

Weeding work



Cleaning of canals and chinampas

The financing provided by DANIEL OROZCO ESTUDIO will serve for the transportation of volunteers, lunch, project communication, as well as the acquisition of necessary tools and equipment to fulfill the scheduled activities.

Robotani.ca has already restored five thousand square kilometers in Mexico City.